Last April, Simona Celi and BioCardioLab team (Fondazione Toscana Gabriele Monasterio) welcomed Marco Biancolini (University of Tor Vergata), Laurence Rouet (Philips), and Marta Bracco (ESR 13).  An intensive experimental session was carried out to acquire Doppler images of a AAA phantom manufactured by Maria Nicole Antonuccio (ESR 14), which is currently hosted by BioCardiolab. The model was plugged to a hybrid mock-up circulatory loop system, which is part of the research activity of Francesco Bardi (ESR 10), to mimick the blood flow inside the vessel. Both Color Doppler and B-mode ultrasound cineloops were acquired and will be employed in the projects of ESR 14 and ESR 13. Moreover, Maria Nicole and Marta had the chance to discuss and brainstorm with three of their supervisors.