A new paper Computer-aided shape features extraction and regression models for predicting the ascending aortic aneurysm growth rate has been published in the Computers in Biology and Medicine Journal. The paper was written by Leonardo Geronzi (ESR 02) as well as by other including Marco Evangelos Biancolini, Principal Investigator of the MeDiTATe project.

The abstract is as follows:

Ascending aortic aneurysm growth prediction is still challenging in clinics. In this work, a method to exploit local and global shape features for the prediction of the ascending aortic aneurysm growth rate is presented. By using a framework based on geometric decomposition, mesh morphing, statistical shape analysis and regression methods, we were able to extract local and global shape features potentially valuable for improving the prediction of the aneurysm growth. The results of this study show that aneurysms close to the root with a large initial diameter report faster growth.

The full paper is available at this link.